July Trout Stream Electrofishing Schedule

Below is our July trout stream electrofishing schedule. We are planning to do sampling in the morning and after lunch, but may have to cancel the afternoon work if our drought and hot weather continue since we do not want to stress the trout when the water gets too warm. That will be a game day decision.

This month's work is being done to evaluate the numbers of trout utilizing some past stream habitat improvement projects at sites on three different streams.

The attached maps show the meeting times and places. For those who navigate by GPS (I guess most people other than me😊), I have included coordinates of the meeting locations.

Wednesday July 5th – Elton Creek. Meet at 9:15 AM at the DEC angler parking area on County Route 21 near its intersection with County Route 36. We will be doing a hot dog cookout for lunch this day, so please let me know if you wish to participate.

Thursday July 6th – Back up day for the 5th, if needed.

Tuesday July 18th – McKinstry Creek. Meet at 9:15 AM at the corner of McKinstry Road and Gooseneck Road.

Wednesday July 19th – McKinstry Creek. Same meeting location as the 18th.

Thursday July 20th – Back up day for the 18th or 19th, if needed.

Tuesday July 25th – Clear Creek (Ellington). Meet at 9:15 AM at the bridge crossing on Leach Hill Road, just south of its intersection with State Route 62, east of Ellington. This site will require a substantial amount of stream walking to complete.

Wednesday July 26th – Back up day for the 25th, if needed.

Scott Cornett
Fishery Biologist
Region 9 – Allegany