Wiscoy Creek Evaluation Report Released

Earlier this week we received a copy of the long awaited Wiscoy Creek Stream and Riparian Habitat and Evaluation Report. Wiscoy Creek, located in southeastern Wyoming County and northeastern Allegany County, NY, has supported a popular and productive trout fishery for over 80 years.

This creek supports one of this areas largest wild trout populations and quite alot of the habitat work that we've done over the years has taken place on the Wiscoy. 

This report documents the locations of past projects meant to improve in-stream trout habitat and/or protect stream banks and to evaluate their current condition and functionality, locates and assess locations that currently were suffering from significant streambank erosion and where substantial sections of the stream were lacking in high quality in-stream habitat and prioritizes the locations where remediation/enhancement work was most needed and practical. I'd guess you could say this is a bit of a road map for going forward on the Wiscoy.

Download and Read the Wiscoy Evaluation Report HERE
