Updated Stream Sampling / Electrofishing Schedule for August


Below is our trout stream electrofishing schedule for August. The first week of sampling we will be evaluating trout reproduction at four sites on Wiscoy Creek and the N. Branch Wiscoy. While our focus will be collecting young-of-year trout, we will also be picking up adult fish as well. The second week’s sampling will be done in collaboration with Kyle Glenn and his crew from TU National evaluating the effects of beaver ponds on stream temperatures and trout populations. We will have a sizable crew between DEC and TU staff both these weeks, however there will likely be some opportunity for volunteers to be helping out moving fish as well and, of course, everyone is welcome to come and see what we get.

Please note that we are currently scheduled to do a substantial stream habitat enhancement project the last week of August, but if the contractor can start sooner, I may need to reschedule our electrofishing.

Here are the details of meeting times and places. Please note that we will be doing a hot dog lunch one day each week, and it would be really helpful to me to know how many people will be there those days, so I know how much to bring.

Tuesday August 13th – Wiscoy Creek. Meet at 9:15 AM at the end of the angler footpath that is located at the junction of East Koy Road and Newcomb Road (45.54989, -78.14072). For this day, you can drive down the farm access road which is the footpath. Please note, you should not drive all the way to the stream, park in the mowed grassy area before you get to the stream. Also, this is a rough, muddy road and if you have a car you don’t want to drive in there, meet at East Koy Road and ride in with one of the other vehicles. We will be doing an afternoon site up at Hillside Road.

Note, we will be doing a hotdog cookout that day for anyone that wants to participate.

Wednesday August 14th – N. Branch Wiscoy Creek. Meet at 9:15 AM along Rt 362 approximately 1.4 miles south of Rt 78 (42.60996, -78.25934). We will be doing an afternoon site down in the Village of Bliss.

Thursday August 15th – Back up day if needed.

Tuesday August 20th – Wiscoy Creek. Meet at 9:15 at the DEC angler parking area on Route 39, approximately 1/3 mile east of the intersection of Rt 39 and Rt 362 (42.58016, -78.24458). Note, we will be doing a hotdog cookout that day for anyone that wants to participate.

Wednesday August 21st – Trout Brook. Meet at 9:15 at the Trout Brook crossing on East Hillside Road (42.59806, -78.18583).

Thursday August 22nd – Back up day if needed.

 Scott Cornett

Fishery Biologist

Region 9 – Allegany
