Seth Green Chapter Citizen Science Project on the Oatka August 24th.... Interested?


Just got this message from our friends in Rochester at the Seth Green TU Chapter:

Seth Green Trout Unlimited Chapter will be holding a citizen science study on Oatka Creek in the park section Saturday, August 24th at 9am. They'll meet at the angler parking area at 9797 Union Street behind the old Rizzo Store. The study is a thermal mapping exercise to determine if we can find areas of the stream where cold water is detected among warm water areas. Then map those locations that may later determine steam rehabilitation strategies to enhance those thermal relief areas that trout will seek in the hot summer months.

The study will be led by TU National Stream Technician Kyle Glenn. They are looking for 10-15 volunteers to join this study. SGTU had stream thermometers to issue to volunteers. Kyle suggests wet wading to help locate thermal colder areas. It would help if you bring a wading staff to attach the thermal device. Sign up on their web page HERE!