January 2025 President's Report

Submitted by Joe Morgan, Chapter President

Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. 

This the 55th anniversary for our chapter and should be another great one filled with lots of events and activities. All our events are listed on the chapter website with date, time and location. Please check them out. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed.

If you missed the November presentation by Bob Lindquist, I recommend you go on the WNYTU
YouTube channel and check it out. Bob did an excellent job on fishing the hatch below the surface, and it was a preview of his presentation he will be doing at all the major Fly Shows this winter.

In March we will be holding elections for 3 Board of Director positions and 3 Officer positions. If you or anyone you know are interested in running, please submit the request to Chuck Godfrey or me prior to the February general meeting so we can have a slate of candidates ready for the elections at the March general meeting. From the floor nominations will also be taken at the March General meeting.

Check out our social media for the latest news and information from WNYTU. If you can’t make it to our general meeting, go to our YouTube channel. All our meetings are recorded and uploaded. If you listen to Podcasts check out WNY Troutpod hosted by Jim Jowsey.

Scott Cornett will be presenting his annual State of the Inland Streams meeting at the general meeting on January 28, 2025, at 6 PM at the Orvis store. Arrive early at 5:00 PM for some socializing and fly tying.

Please come and join us. As always bring a friend the public is invited.

Joe Morgan